Graduating Seniors

Graduating Seniors Step by Step

In order to graduate with Honors Distinction students must complete 15 total honors credit hours consisting of 9-12 honors course credit hours and 3-6 honors thesis credit hours and complete an honors capstone research or creative project culminating in a written thesis documenting the project while maintaining a 3.5 cGPA. Students who have completed no less than half of his or her degree work at the  University of Arkansas and  demonstrated exceptional academic performance while completing the Honors Program in the Bumpers College will be recognized at graduation by the honors designations of cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude.

For cum laude, the student must achieve a cumulative U of A GPA of 3.5 to 3.74.
For magna cum laude, the student must achieve a cumulative U of A GPA of 3.75 to 3.89.
For summa cum laude, the student must achieve a cumulative U of A GPA of 3.9 to 4.00.


Step 1: Apply for Graduation 

  • At the completion of 90 credit hours apply for graduation through UA connect.

Step 2: Complete your Required Honors Thesis Credit Hours

  • In order to graduate with honors, students must complete 3-6 honors thesis credit hours. You will not have permission to self-enroll UA connect. In order to enroll, complete the Request to Enroll in Honors Thesis Credit Form with your Honors Thesis Mentor and submit the form to the Bumpers College Waldrip Student Center (AGRI 205) or by email to

Step 3: Complete your Honors Thesis 

  • Work with your Honors Thesis Mentor to complete your honors thesis while following the  guidelines provided  on the "Honors Theses" tab of the Bumpers College Honors Program website.

Step 4: Defend your Honors Thesis 

  • Coordinate with Honors Thesis Mentor and committee members to schedule an honors thesis defense meeting date, time, and location.
  • Provide your committee a copy of your completed honors thesis at least one week prior to your defense date.
  • Email the date, time and location of your defense meeting at least one week prior to your scheduled defense date.
  • Provide the Honors Thesis Defense Meeting and Examination  Form (Form #3) to your committee at the defense meeting. Obtain the signatures of your Honors Thesis Mentor, committee members, and the Honors Departmental Representative. Your Honors Thesis Mentor is responsible for turning the signed and completed form in on your behalf to the Bumpers College Waldrip Student Center (AGRI 205) or by email to

Step 5: Incorporate all revisions and edits to your honors thesis provided by your committee during your defense meeting.

  • Email to schedule an appointment to review your final honors thesis formatting and ensure you are meeting minimum program requirements prior to the term’s submission deadline.

Step 6: Submit your Honors Thesis to the UA Library 

  • All honors students are required to submit a copy of their honors thesis to the UA library to be entered into the catalog of information. These theses will be searchable through the library information system and available world wide to anyone using the UA library system.  Students should submit their honors thesis to the library only after it has been approved by their committee and Honors Thesis Mentor, and undergone a formatting review by a Bumpers College Honors Program staff member.

 Step 7: Submit an Article to the Discovery Journal (Optional)

  • Undergraduates conducting research in cooperation with a faculty mentor are encouraged to submit a journal article to the Discovery Journal. All submissions must follow Discovery Journal article guidelines. Unedited theses will not be accepted. Students who have received a Bumpers College Undergraduate Research or Creative Grant are encouraged to submit an article based on their project.