Lucy Scholma

Image of Lucy, a young woman with shoulder length curly hair smiling in front of an Ag Food Life backdrop with her hands clasped in front of her.

Hey hey! My name is Lucy Scholma, and I am from Fayetteville, Arkansas. I am a junior in the Bumpers College Honors Program majoring in Food, Nutrition and Health, minoring in Chemistry and Medical Humanities, and on the Pre-Med track. I have always been passionate about food (how could you not be!) but especially the intersection between our diets and the health and developmental aspects of our bodies and minds. 

I am excited to have a background in nutrition as a physician one day as it will be an extremely beneficial foundation for many aspects of medicine. The honors program here at Bumpers has been a huge asset for not only my academic journey but also through the transition to college and figuring out how to be a successful student and peer. I am thrilled to be able to serve incoming freshmen this semester and be a friendly face whenever they have questions, need advice, or just want to talk about all the delicious coffee shops in Northwest Arkansas. Outside of peer mentoring, I am a member of the Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical Honors Society, the Student Dietetics Association, hold a position in my sorority, and volunteer at Cross Church Fayetteville with the kid's ministry. I love kids, the outdoors, traveling, thrifting, and trying new things. I am looking forward to an awesome semester!